Hazardous Waste
Jefferson County no longer has a moderate risk waste disposal facility. Instead, collection events are held across the County and throughout the year for residents. See below for more information on these events.
Residents can dispose of most household hazardous waste* at collection events, which will be held throughout the county and throughout the year.
2025 Collection Events – 10 AM to 2 PM, Saturday:
April 19 – Chimacum High School, 91 W Valley Rd, Chimacum WA
May 17 – Quilcene Roads Shop, 295316 Hwy 101, Quilcene, WA
Sept. 6 – Chimacum High School, 91 W Valley Rd, Chimacum WA
Sept. 27 – Jefferson Transit Haines Park and Ride, 440 12th St, Port Townsend, WA
NOTE: Containers holding fuel, paint, etc. will not be returned.
*Antifreeze, motor oil, fluorescent lights, and lithium, button, and rechargeable batteries are not accepted at collection events. The Transfer Station and Quilcene Drop Box have receptacles in the recycling area where you can dispose of these during regular operating hours.
Sign up for notifications of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Events. These events are posted on the Public Works webpage calendar.
- Click here to go to the “Notify Me” page. Enter your email address and click “Sign In”
- In the Calendar section, click the button next to “Public Works.” Click the Ok button in the “Just one more step” pop-up box.
- An email from [email protected] should arrive soon after (you many need to check your SPAM/Junk folder.) Click the confirmation link in the email to complete the process.
- Finally, you will get another email from [email protected] confirming that you have been subscribed to the Public Works calendar.
- Notifications for HHW Collection Events are sent 10 days prior to the event.
Can't wait for the next collection event?
Through a new agreement between Jefferson and Kitsap Counties, Jefferson County residents can now dispose of up to 50 containers or 50 gallons of household hazardous waste at the Kitsap County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility without an appointment and without charge. That facility is located at 5551 SW Imperial Way, Bremerton. This same service will be offered at a new Kitsap County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility at 23300 Arness Creek Road, Poulsbo, when it opens in 2025.
For customers needing to dispose of more than 50 containers or 50 gallons of household hazardous waste, please schedule a disposal appointment at the Kitsap County Household Hazardous Waste Facility (cognitoforms.com).
Not sure what you’ve got or how to safely transport it? Use the same form to make a request for a site visit and Kitsap County staff will schedule a visit with you.
***Kitsap County HHW Upcoming SCHEDULED Maintenance CLOSURES ***
Kitsap County’s Household Hazardous Waste facilty, 5551 SW Imperial Way, Bremerton, will be closed as follows.
12/22/2024 through 01/01/2025 CLOSED for regular annual maintenance. Reopening 1/02/2025.
01/19/2025 through 02/01/2025 CLOSED for repairs to the Fire Suppression System.
Visit the Kitsap County News: Service Alert for more information.
Safer Alternatives
Our Safer Alternatives flyer offers suggestions for non-hazardous, environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional household cleaning and lawn/garden care products. King County’s Safer Products webpage is another great resource for information on safer alternatives.
Jefferson County businesses that create hazardous waste must use a qualified private sector business for collection and disposal of those materials. Jefferson County Public Works knows of several businesses servicing Jefferson County:
• Clean Harbors Environmental and Industrial Services collects most types of hazardous waste. To inquire of collection and disposal services offered by Clean Harbors, go to: https://www.cleanharbors.com/services/technical-services/waste-disposal-services
• Safety-Kleen is a subsidiary of Clean Harbors and collects coolants, solvents, and used oil. Contact Safety-Kleen’s nearest branch at (253) 561-8270
• Eco-Lube provides pump truck service for collection of used oil and anti-freeze. Contact Eco-Lube at [email protected] or phone 833-ECO-LUBE
Businesses needing technical assistance on the safe management of hazardous waste and safer alternatives should contact Jefferson County Environmental Health and inquire about their Pollution Prevention Assistance program by visiting their website at https://jeffersoncountypublichealth.org/699/Pollution-Prevention-Assistance or by calling 360-385-9444.
Rechargeable, button and lithium batteries are accepted for recycling at the following locations at no charge.
- Public Works Office, 623 Sheridan St., Port Townsend,
Mon. – Fri., 8 am – 5 pm - Transfer Station (Environmental Center in Recycling area)
325 County Landfill Rd, Port Townsend,
Tues. – Sat., 9 am – 4:30 pm. - Quilcene Drop Box
295312 Highway 101, Quilcene,
Tues./Thurs./Sat., 9 am – 4:30 pm (closed Noon – 12:30 pm.)
Automotive and ‘wet cell’ lead-acid batteries are accepted for recycling at the following locations.
- Transfer Station – Disposal fees apply
325 County Landfill Rd, Port Townsend,
Tues. – Sat., 9 am – 4:30 pm. - Quilcene Drop Box – Disposal fees apply
295312 Highway 101, Quilcene,
Tues./Thurs./Sat., 9 am – 4:30 pm (closed Noon – 12:30 pm.) - Peninsula Auto Wrecking & Recycling,
4711 S Discovery Rd., Port Townsend
(Automotive size only.) Typically no charge for disposal.
Alkaline batteries are not recyclable.
- Place fully discharged alkaline batteries in the trash.
- If not fully discharged, cover terminal ends with tape or wrap each battery in plastic and then place in trash.
Paints, stains, solvents, and caulking
Mallory Paint Store, 315 Decatur St., Port Townsend, (360-379-8025) accepts latex and oil-based house paint, stains, and varnishes for recycling as part of the PaintCare program. Limit: 10 Gallons per visit. This site accepts latex and oil-based house paint, stains and varnish in containers up to 5 gallons in size. This site does not accept aerosols (spray paint or other spray products), containers without original labels, or containers that are leaking or empty.
Latex paint, and water-borne stains and sealants can be disposed of in the garbage after being thickened to a non-pourable consistency. To do this: Mix unwanted latex paints with equal parts absorbent such as kitty litter or sawdust. Add enough absorbent to reach an oatmeal-like consistency, then let sit for one hour. After an hour, check consistency to ensure it is no longer runny, leave any lids off the cans, and dispose of as regular household trash. Watch King County’s brief video linked on this page.
Jefferson County’s Household Hazardous Waste Program will continue to collect latex and oil-based paints, stains and varnishes at hazardous waste collection events.
Motor Oil
Motor oil – used and unmixed – Up to 5 gallons/day/per customer at the Transfer Station or Quilcene Drop Box. Pour into designated drums or tanks at the Transfer Station/Recycle Center and Quilcene Drop Box. Also at the Port of Port Townsend for moorage tenants. All are free disposal sites.
Motor oil – contaminated with water, gas, solvents, etc. – Dispose of these at Hazardous Waste collection events. Scroll to the top of this page for dates, times, and locations for upcoming collection events.
Oil filters – drain for at least 24 hrs. and dispose of as trash.
Medication & Sharps Disposal
Free, safe, and convenient medication disposal is available nearby at drop-off kiosks in the QFC Pharmacies in Port Hadlock and Port Townsend, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, and the Port Townsend Police Department. For more locations visit https://med-project.org/locations/washington/find-a-location/
Never dispose of drugs, vitamins, or any medications down the drain, sink, or toilet. Vitamins and supplements may be disposed of with regular household trash.

Residential “sharps” include syringes, hypodermic needles, lancets, and scalpel blades.
Sharps must be in safe, acceptable containers with tight fitting lids secured with tape. No loose sharps accepted.
- Drop-off kiosk locations at the Transfer Station Recycle Center, Quilcene Drop Box, and Jefferson County Public Health’s main clinic at 615 Sheridan St, Port Townsend, located in the QFC Shopping Plaza.
- Curbside trash collection subscribers – Place secured container
inside trash can on top of trash. - Trash self–haulers – Alert Scale Attendant (solid waste fees apply)
Residential Sharps Disposal Flyer
A syringe collection box is located outside of Jefferson County Public Health’s main clinic at 615 Sheridan St, Port Townsend, located in the QFC Shopping Plaza.
Unused sharps that still contain medicine should have the medicine wasted before disposing into a sharps kiosk. Medicine can be wasted into an absorbent such as kitty litter or coffee grounds then added to your regular household trash.