Yard Waste/Compost
The City of Port Townsend provides yard waste disposal and the sale of compost at its Composting Facility, on the grounds of the Transfer Station at 325 County Landfill Rd, Port Townsend. For more information, visit the City of Port Townsend’s website https://cityofpt.us/publicworks/page/compost-facility or call 360-385-7908.
The Composting Facility accepts leaves, grass clippings, brush and tree limbs up to 8 feet long and 10 inches in diameter. No noxious weeds (bag and dispose of in trash.) The cost is $48.00/ton, and there is a $20.00 minimum charge, which covers the first 840 pounds. Yard waste can be dropped off anytime the Transfer Station is open. Visit the Facility & Hours page for hours.
When available, compost is sold on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Visit the City of Port Townsend Compost Facility webpage cityofpt.us/publicworks/page/compost-facility or call 360-385-7908 for more information on compost and yard waste drop off.
Composting Workshops
2025 composting classes will be held in May/June. Dates will be announced here once they are in place.
The compost classes are designed for both beginners and advanced composters. They are 90 minutes in length with a cost of $25 that includes an Earth Machine compost bin. Two classes are in person and two are online via Zoom to accommodate citizen preferences.
To be put on the notification list when the classes are set, please send an email to Laura Tucker: [email protected]
Curbside Yard Waste Collection is included with residential trash service within Port Townsend city limits. For info on what is accepted, call DM Disposal/Olympic Disposal at 360-385-6612.
Backyard composting (include food scraps too!) – Friends and neighbors are a great source of information to manage yard waste at home or cooperatively at a Community Garden. Click the link to learn more about community gardens or to find a community garden near you. Get some hands-on advice on composting, or get inspired to start your own community garden!
Related websites:
Gardening in Jefferson County
Organic Farming Systems and Nutrient Management, including Composts and Nutrition Management